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- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) and the
- accompanying programs, files and documentation are;
- Copyright (c) 1992 by The Alcor Group, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved
- This file contains a variety of useful information and includes a
- list of all files on the distribution disk.
- You can print this file by copying it to your printer with the
- following DOS command:
- copy AGREAD.ME prn
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- It was sometime in the 1960's, we sat down in front of a strange
- contraption that resembled what we now call a television set. We
- turned the power switch to the on position. After a few moments
- which seemed more like an eternity, a faint picture slowly and
- mysteriously appeared on the crude television sets picture tube.
- Then we heard the words "Space...the final frontier. These are
- the voyages of the starship Enterprise..." emit from the tiny
- little speaker of this TV contraption. Who were these strange
- looking people? What did those first words that we all heard
- mean? Did any of us really know that we were watching the begin
- ning of something that would touch our hearts along with many
- generations to come. Now we know that these first few words would
- more appropriately be "This is the LEGEND of the starship Enter
- prise..." Sit back, reminisce, and come join us in our REALM and
- explore our salute to the courageous crew of the LEGENDARY Enter
- prise.
- About The Game ---
- ------------------
- Have you worn out your current trivia game? Wish you could have
- something new and more exciting? Are you tired of the same old
- thing? We have the answer. The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I).
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) is a trivia-
- oriented game for one to ten players or teams. Within this game,
- you will discover 150 new and stimulating questions to test your
- knowledge on a variety of topics about the Star Trek realm. Each
- question has four possible answers to choose from but, only one
- is correct. If you correctly answer the question, you will be
- rewarded with additional facts and trivia about the Star Trek
- realm to expand your knowledge and enjoyment.
- 1
- The object of each game is to earn the highest score possible and
- enter the hall of fame. You can play against other players or
- just play against the current hall of fame members.
- There are three types of game play boards which you may choose
- from. You may customize the games to your hearts content. You,
- not us, choose how you like to play. The three types of games are
- as follows;
- 1. The Number of Questions Game
- This type of game is played by a player answering a set number of
- questions. The game ends when the player has attempted to answer
- a certain number of questions.
- 2. The Number of Misses Game
- This type of game is played by a player answering a set
- number of questions. The game ends when the player misses a
- set number of questions or answers all of the questions
- properly.
- 3. The Casino Style Game
- This type of game is played by a player answering a set
- number of questions. A player first places a bet before
- attempting to answer the question. The game ends when the
- player answers all of the questions properly or runs out of
- points.
- Game Highlights ---
- -------------------
- Here are just a few of the Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-log I)'s highlights.
- - One to Ten players or teams
- - Compete against each other or the top ten scores
- - THREE distinctly different styles of game play
- - Totally user configurable
- - Hall of fame for each type of game play
- - Save and restore multiple games
- - On-line help system with hypertext technology
- - Allow hints for hard to answer questions
- - Allows player handicaps for slower readers
- - You are rewarded with additional trivia when correct
- - Supports Monochrome, CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules monitors & more
- - Contains multiple topics
- - Optional mouse support
- - Menu driven for ease of use
- - Point & shoot menu system
- - And Much Much More...
- 2
- System Requirements ---
- -----------------------
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) runs on the
- IBM PC family of computers, including the XT, AT, and PS/2,
- along with all true IBM compatibles. The Alcor Trivia Pro
- Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) requires DOS 2.0 or higher and at
- least 384K; it runs on any 80-column monitor. The minimum re
- quirement is one floppy drive, or a hard disk.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) supports
- almost any 80 column printer on the market. Your printer must be
- connected to LPT1 or redirected to PRN.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) includes
- floating-point routines that let your programs make use of an
- 80x87 math coprocessor chip. It emulates the chip if it is not
- available. Though it is not required to run The Alcor Trivia
- Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I), the 80x87 chip can signifi
- cantly enhance your program's performance.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) also sup
- ports a mouse. Though the mouse isn't required, if you have
- one, you must have one of the following for full
- compatibime play
- - Save and restore multiple games
- - On-line help system with hypertext technology
- - Allow hints for hard to answer questions
- - Allows player handicaps for slower readers
- - You are rewarded with additional trivia when correct
- - Supports Monochrome, CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules monitors & more
- - Contains multiple topics
- - Optional mouse support
- - Menu driven for ease of use
- - Point & shoot menu system
- - And Much Much More...
- 2
- System Requirements ---
- -----------------------
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) runs on the
- IBM PC family of computers, including the XT, AT, and PS/2,
- along with all true IBM compatibles. The Alcor Trivia Pro
- Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) requires DOS 2.0 or higher and at
- least 384K; it runs on any 80-column monitor. The minimum re
- quirement is one floppy drive, or a hard disk.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) supports
- almost any 80 column printer on the market. Your printer must be
- connected to LPT1 or redirected to PRN.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Lions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished
- programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are
- of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
- 3
- and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribu
- tion. The author specifically grants the right to copy and dis
- tribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific
- group. For example, some authors require written permission
- before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware.
- Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
- should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, wheth
- er it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes
- fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy.
- And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware
- has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the
- product, you don't pay for it.
- A Note From The Author ---
- --------------------------
- Software doesn't have to be expensive. ONLY YOU can make it
- affordable to everyone. We are dedicated to bringing you the best
- software programs and games at the lowest prices possible. We
- believe software should be affordable to everyone. Hundreds of
- hours have gone into this program for your enjoyment. Without
- your support, all of this time is just a waste.
- You may see this game in software libraries or on BBS's and order
- it. Please remember that I receive absolutely NO money or royal
- ties from these places. They simply collect, manage and distrib
- ute software, and that is what your disk payment is for. The only
- way I can afford to keep placing software of this quality in
- shareware is to have YOUR support. If you enjoy this game, please
- help us by registering your copy today.
- My family and I depend FULLY on the support of honest users who
- register the software I create. I know you won't let us down
- because, we have faith in you and the shareware system. Believe
- me, your registration fee does count.
- Thank you for your support,
- Rob L. Whisonant
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- If we all work together in harmony, software prices can be rea
- sonable and affordable to everyone. There are many benefits to
- registering and reasons why you should register the programs that
- you enjoy and use. You will find information on the benefits of
- registering and how to register in the following sections. Please
- read these sections over and please do the right thing.
- Benefits of Registering ---
- ---------------------------
- There are many benefits to registering your copy of The Alcor
- 4
- Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I). Some of the many
- benefits are listed below.
- -Registered users receive FREE UNLIMITED technical support (A
- RARITY in these days).
- -You will receive a disk or disks containing the most current
- version of the program when you register. The registered version
- does not contain any shareware reminder screens or delay screens!
- -You will receive update notices on any future releases of The
- Alcor Trivia Pro and other Alcor Group, Inc. software releases.
- -You will be automatically notified of any address or telephone
- changes that occur as our company grows.
- -You will receive a FREE trial membership to our popular Games &
- Software Newsletter.
- -You will be eligible for any of our many contests that we hold
- or sponsor. Money and/or prizes will be awarded to the winners.
- -You will have access to our exclusive Members-Only Club and the
- many benefits that come with it.
- -You will gain access to our private BBS for downloading upgrades
- and new programs as they happen. We also sponsor many on-line
- games and conferences.
- -You will receive a BONUS disk containing;
- -A list of all Star Trek episodes, air dates and production num
- bers.
- -A List of all characters that appeared in the Star Trek series
- along with the actors name and episodes that they appeared in.
- -You will receive a SECRET CODE that will allow you to answer all
- of the questions correctly. You will never lose a game again! Or
- just use the SECRET CODE to practice and answer only the really
- tough questions for your own enjoyment.
- -You will be eligible to receive discounts on any software pro
- duced or distributed by The Alcor Group, Inc.
- -You will have access to our exclusive trivia of the month club
- and the many benefits that come with it.
- -You will have the opportunity to become a marketer/dealer/BBS
- uploader for our product line. This could add a substantial
- additional income to your present income, with little work in
- volved on your part. Marketing disks are coded so when an order
- is processed, the person that marketed the shareware copy or
- uploaded it to a BBS will receive a royalty check each month.
- 5
- Files on the Distribution Disk(s) ---
- -------------------------------------
- The following files are included with and make up the shareware
- version of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I).
- The files listed below should be contained in any and all ar
- chived distribution files. If any of the files are missing,
- please contact us immediately.
- AGREAD.ME Important last minute information etc.
- AGST1.BAT The batch file used to start the program.
- AGST1A.EXE Opening screen executable program.
- AGST1B.EXE The main program.
- AGST1.OVL Overlay file used by the program.
- AGST1.HLP Help system file used by the main program.
- AGMANUAL.DOC The Alcor Trivia Pro manual.
- LICENSE.DOC The Alcor Trivia Pro license agreement.
- AGSYSOP.DOC Information & documentation for BBS Sysops.
- AGVENDOR.DOC Information for shareware disk vendors.
- AGORDER.DOC Ordering information and order forms.
- A short text describing The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I) follows:
- Program: The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I)
- Version: 1.0B
- Release Date: March 29, 1992
- Preferred BBS or Catalog File Name: AGST1.ZIP
- Author: Rob L. Whisonant
- Descriptions:
- 1 LINE:
- Alcor Trivia Pro Classic STAR TREK '92
- 2 LINE:
- Alcor Trivia Pro Classic STAR TREK '92. multi-player, hints,
- save & restore, handicaps, hall of fame, user configurable!
- It's all here! In the ultimate
- STAR TREK trivia game that
- makes all the others obsolete.
- A MUST for every STAR TREK
- fan. Packed with surprises
- around every corner. Check
- these super features! One to
- Ten players or teams, THREE
- distinct types of game play,
- hints feature, allows player
- handicapping, hall of fame,
- save & restore multiple games,
- and completely user
- Addicting & Entertaining...
- 6
- The following files are created by The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic
- Star Trek (Star-Log I) as they are needed by the program. Do not
- include any of the files listed below in an archive that you pass
- along.
- AGST1HF.DAT Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HF.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HF1.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HO.DAT Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HO.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HO1.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HM.DAT Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HM.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HM1.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1SN.DAT Save file for number of questions game.
- AGST1SN.NDX Save file for number of questions game.
- AGST1SM.DAT Save file for number of misses game.
- AGST1SM.NDX Save file for number of misses game.
- AGST1SC.DAT Save file for casino style game.
- AGST1SC.NDX Save file for casino style game.
- AGST1.DEF System default file.
- AGST1.DEN System default file.
- AGST1.COL System default color file.
- AGST1.CON System default color file.
- Contacting the Author ---
- -------------------------
- The biggest complaint I hear about shareware programs is that
- authors of programs move or change their telephone number and
- users are not able to locate them for technical support.
- We have come up with a method so you can locate us several years
- from now, no matter how many times we may move or change tele
- phone numbers as our company grows.
- The address below will be good until the year 2000. Arrangements
- have been made with a mailing agent to monitor this address and
- forward any and all correspondence and orders to us.
- This address is:
- The Alcor Group, Inc.
- P.O. Box 966
- Goose Creek, SC 29445
- If you are viewing this file after the year 2000, you have re
- ceived an evaluation copy that is extremely out of date. Please
- locate a new copy of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek Star-
- Log I from any major BBS or shareware distributor.
- Our current telephone number at the time of this release is:
- 1-803-569-2241
- 7
- If we cannot be reached at this number, please write to the
- address shown above to obtain our new telephone number.
- Always send product orders to the P.O. Box address, this will
- guarantee that we will receive the order.
- Registered users will always be sent change of address and tele
- phone number notification. If you move after you have registered
- your copy of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek Star-Log I,
- please contact us so that we can maintain your current address.
- A lot of times, an authors current address can be obtained from
- shareware vendors. If all else fails, find a vendor who distrib
- utes the software and contact them. They may be able to help you.
- We hope that this idea will be adopted by other shareware au
- thors. We think it's a great idea.
- The best way to continue from here is to print out the manual
- with a DOS command like:
- copy AGMANUAL.DOC prn
- Thank you for trying out The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I).
- Rob L. Whisonant
- 8